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wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:00 PM

Norah Jones【Not Too Late】

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【專輯名稱】Not Too Late (諾言)
【歌手名稱】Norah Jones (諾拉瓊絲)

.你 也會想念我嗎?
.我只想聽 諾 拉瓊 絲
."Thinking About You"、"Sinkin’ Soon"、"Until The End"3首歌曲MV、

諾拉瓊絲彈著鋼琴,唱著歌的時候,就像是一個甜蜜的靈魂,瞬間滋潤了聽者的心靈,自然的進入了她的心情空間。在2007年的最新專輯【Not Too Late】裡,她首度參予了專輯裡每一首歌曲的創作,要用歌聲分享他個人的生活態度以及她個人對與週遭事物的一些感觸。

2002年對諾拉瓊絲而言真是充滿驚喜的一年,她沒想到一張融合了流行、鄉村、民謠、藍調、爵士等類型音樂元素的專輯「Come Away With Me遠走高飛」竟然會那麼輕易的就征服了全世界,還創造了一種極為自然、閒適、恬靜、迷人的流行音樂唱法,彷彿所有的類型音樂界線,世間所有的情感,剎那間都融化在她的彈唱歌聲之中,專輯在全球締造了超過2000萬張的銷售紀錄,並在2003年的葛萊美獎上以秋風掃落葉的氣勢拿下了包括年度專輯、年度唱片、年度歌曲、最佳流行演唱專輯、最佳流行女歌手在內的8座葛萊美獎,諾拉瓊絲以一種難以言喻的香醇氣韻走進了全球樂迷的心坎裡。

2004年的春季,諾拉瓊絲帶來另一張更加迷醉動人的專輯「Feels Like Home回家」,跟前一張專輯一樣,諾拉唱著一些雋永的老歌,還有一些創作好友所寫的小品,諾拉在此張專輯裡把歌聲中的情感稍稍微調了較為濃了點,專輯在發行首週強勢空降全美流行專輯榜冠軍后座,隨後也在世界各地累積了超過1100萬張的銷售,在2005年的葛萊美獎上,諾拉瓊絲除了以此張專輯裡的清新小品"Sunrise"再添一座葛萊美最佳流行女歌手獎,她同時也已與絕響的靈魂樂傳奇藝人雷查爾斯(Ray Charles)所合作的單曲"Here We Go Again"榮獲年度唱片與最佳流行合唱等兩項獎。

在擔任前兩張專輯製作大任的製作名匠Arif Mardin過世後,諾拉瓊絲決定由長期擔任貝斯彈奏的樂手Lee Alexsander接下最新專輯【Not Too Late】的製作重任,這一回,諾拉希望能用自己親筆所寫的歌曲讓自己跟樂迷之間的情感完全的密合在一起,沒有任何的距離,她表示:「這張專輯裡的新歌可能具有更多我的個人風格,因為它們都更形複雜些。其中有些歌曲比較灰暗且有諷刺意味,但同時還是保留了希望的感覺。這就是為什麼專輯名稱要取為【Not Too Late】的原因,我喜歡其中所傳遞出的正面訊息。」整張專輯在保有前作裡那種自然、舒暢、真情流露的歌聲氛圍之外,更多了一些頗為輕鬆、幽默、風趣的神采,諾拉與Lee兩人甚至在沒有告知唱片公司的情況之下,就在創作靈感湧現的情況下,在兩人的家裡的錄音室裡一首接著一首的錄唱下去,讓歌曲的情感多了一些非常休閒、輕鬆,甚至活潑的感覺,專輯裡除了默契十足的伴奏樂團知音外,諾拉也請到Kronos Quartet弦樂四重奏樂團的大提琴樂手Jeffrey Zeigler助陣。專輯中的許多歌曲都是諾拉在2004-2005年的巡迴演唱期間,用隨身攜帶的木吉他寫下的歌曲,像是"Until The End"、"Rosie’s Lullaby"…等等,諾拉也展現了她在鋼琴彈奏之外的多樣樂器彈奏才華,像是在節奏亮眼的"Broken"這首歌曲中彈起電吉他,然後在"Wake Me Up"這首歌曲中彈著木吉他。專輯中還有甜美動人的"Thinking About You"以及充滿奇趣與狂想是的即興大作"Sinkin’ Soon"。

【Not Too Late】印證了諾拉瓊絲以獨特的歌聲成為一位雋永的當代歌手的不凡功力。

CD+DVD的限量超值盤中,加收了一張內容豐富的DVD,其中收錄了"Thinking About You"、"Sinkin’ Soon"、"Until The End"等3首歌曲的音樂錄影帶,以及由新銳導演Ace Norton執導"Thinking About You"、"Sinkin’ Soon"這兩支音樂錄影帶的拍攝花絮,跟諾拉瓊絲在2006年11月6號在加州以現場演唱方式彈唱"Sinkin’ Soon"、"Until The End"這兩首歌曲的畫面,同時還有諾拉瓊絲暢談製作此張專輯的心情點滴。

1. Wish I Could
2. Sinkin' Soon
3. The Sun Doesn't Like You
4. Until The End
5. Not My Friend
6. Thinking About You
7. Broken
8. My Dear Country
9. Wake Me Up
10. Be My Somebody
11. Little Room
12. Rosie's Lullaby
13. Not Too Late...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:01 PM

1. Wish I Could

We met in a place I used to go,
Now I just walk by it for show,
Can't bear to go in without you know,
Wish I could,
Wish I could.

But Annie is standing in the door,
With a look on her face I can't just ignore,
She tells me that her heart is sore,
And pulls me in,
She pulls me in.

She says "love in the time of war is not fair",
"He was my man but they didn't care",
"Sent him far away from here",
"No goodbye",
"No goodbye".

I don't tell her that I once loved you too,
Or about all the things we used to do,
I kiss her hair and think of you,
Walking down ,
The road you found.

We met in a place I used to go,
Now I only walk by it slow,
Can't bear to go in without you know,
Wish I could,
Wish I could,
Wish I could,
Wish I could....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:02 PM

2. Sinkin' Soon

We're an oyster cracker on the stew,
And the honey in the tea,
We're the sugar cubes, one lump or two,
In the black coffee,
The golden crust on an apple pie,
That shines in the sun at noon,
We're a wheel of cheese high in the sky,
But we're gonna be sinkin' soon.

In a boat that's built of sticks and hay,
We drifted from the shore,
With a captain who's too proud to say,
That he dropped the oar,
Now a tiny hole has sprung a leak,
In this cheap pontoon,
Now the hull has started growing weak,
And we're gonna be sinkin' soon.

We're gonna be
Sinkin' soon,
We're gonna be
Sinkin' soon,
Everybody hold your breath 'cause,
We're gonna be sinkin' soon

We're gonna be
Sinkin' soon,
We're gonna be
Sinkin' soon,
Everybody hold your breath 'cause,
Down and down we go.

Like the oyster cracker on the stew,
The honey in the tea
The sugar cubes, one lump or two?
No thank you none for me.
We're the golden crust on an apple pie,
That shines in the sun at noon,
Like the wheel of cheese high in the sky
Well ... we're gonna be sinkin' soon....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:02 PM

3. The Sun Doesn't Like You

The sun doesn't like you, you always get burned,
Stay in the shade and watch the world turn.
Better find a new place to lay on the ground,
Can't stay where you are or you're gonna be found.

And time won't pass you by,
And I won't tell you lies.

So tonight ... we can build a fire,
In the open field past the razor wire.
Sneak by the dogs when they go to sleep,
Bring part of yourself that you'll let me keep.

'cause time won't pass us by,
And I won't tell you lies,
Someday I will ask you why ... but not now.

And time won't pass us by,
And you won't tell me lies,
Someday we all have to die ... but not now....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:03 PM

4. Until The End

You've got a famous last name
But you're not to blame
Baby I see you for who you are

A one time apple queen,
And a one time tramp,
And an old time movie star.

You're a shell picker,
Of the pickiest kind,
But you always find the ones to keep.

And in or out of bed,
You keep you're head wide open,
'cause ya don't only dream when you're asleep.

Like a child ... you remember,
But I forget ... all my dreams.

I used to think,
That someday I'd relax a little,
And be more like you.

Then I realized,
How silly that thought was,
Needed to stand in my own shoes.

And from over here,
I can see you cry,
Don't even try ... to pretend.

'cause he's hurt you,
So many times,
Baby don't go back again.

Like a child, you forget,
But I remember everything..and every sting.

And through all the games,
We'll both stay the same,
As we've always been,
Through the fat and thin,
Until the end,
Until the end....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:04 PM

5. Not My Friend

Help me breathe,
Help me believe,
You seem really glad that I am sad.

You are not my friend,
I cannot pretend that you are.

You made it sting,
Your voice is ringing,
Just like the boys who laughed at me in school.

You are not my friend,
I cannot pretend anymore.

You found a place,
No one should ever go.

I'll be ok,
'cause when I back away,
I'm gonna keep the handle of your gun in sight.

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:04 PM

6. Thinking About You

Yesterday I saw the sun shinin',
And the leaves were fallin' down softly,
My cold hands needed a warm, warm touch,
And I was thinkin' about you.

Here I am lookin' for signs of leaving,
You hold my hand, but do you really need me?
I guess it's time for me to let you go,
And I've been thinkin' about you,
I've been thinkin' about you.

When you sail across the ocean waters,
And you reach the other side safely,
Could you smile a little smile for me?
'cause I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:05 PM

7. Broken

He's got a broken voice and a twisted smile,
Guess he's been that way for quite awhile,
Got blood on his shoes and mud on his brim,
Did he do it to himself or was it done to him?

People think he don't look well,
But all he needs from what I can tell,
Is someone to help wash away all the paint,
From his purple hands before it gets too late.

I saw him stand alone ... under a broke street light,
So sincere ... singing silent night,
But the trees were full ... and the grass was green,
It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen.

He may move slow,
But that don't mean he's going nowhere,
He may be moving slow,
But that don't mean he's going nowhere....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:06 PM

8. My Dear Country

'Twas Halloween and the ghosts were out,
And everywhere they'd go, they shout,
And though I covered my eyes I knew,
They'd go away.

But fear's the only thing I saw,
And three days later 'twas clear to all,
That nothing is as scary as election day.

But the day after is darker,
And darker and darker it goes,
Who knows, maybe the plans will change,
Who knows, maybe he's not deranged.

The news men know what they know, but they,
Know even less than what they say,
And I don't know who I can trust,
For they come what may.

'cause we believed in our candidate,
But even more it's the one we hate,
I needed someone I could shake,
On election day.

But the day after is darker,
And deeper and deeper we go,
Who knows, maybe it's all a dream,
Who knows if I'll wake up and scream.

I love the things that you've given me,
I cherish you my dear country,
But sometimes I don't understand,
The way we play.

I love the things that you've given me,
And most of all that I am free,
To have a song that I can sing,
On election day....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:06 PM

9. Wake Me Up

Wake me up when it's over,
Wake me up when it's done,
When he's gone away and taken everything,
Wake me up.

Wake me up when the skies are clearing,
When the water is still,
'cause I will not watch the ships sail away so,
Please say you will.

If it were any other day,
This wouldn't get the best of me.

But today I'm not so strong,
So lay me down with a sad song,
And when it stops then you know I've been,
Gone too long.

But don't shake me awake,
Don't bend me or I will break,
Come find me somewhere between my dreams,
With the sun on my face.

I will still feel it later on,
But for now I'd rather be asleep....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:07 PM

10. Be My Somebody

I'm too foggy today,
To know what you're sayin',
Your lips are moving so fast,
And I just keep praying,
For them to slow down,
So I can make some sense,
Of the words that are pouring out,
Of your crooked spout.

Last night was a record to be broken,
It broke all over the kitchen floor,
Oh no don't you go,
I'm coming back with a rag,
To wipe away the haze from the days,
We've forgotten all about.

So be my somebody tonight,
Be the one who'll hold me tight,
Honey, please, please,
Cuz I've been so all alone,
And no one will pick up the phone,
So honey, please stay.

I held your head up, do you remember?
When you wanted to make a blanket outta me,
Oh I can't lie ... I been keeping score,
And it's your turn to wring me out,
And lay me down to dry.

So be my somebody tonight,
Be the one who'll hold me tight,
Honey, please, please,
Cuz I've been so all alone,
And no one will pick up the phone,
So honey, please stay,
Honey, please stay,
Honey, please stay....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:08 PM

11. Little Room

You and me and,
Me and you,
In my little room,
There's room enough for us to do,
The things we like to do.

Oops, I hit my elbow on the doorknob,
Its right there,
It's by the bed next to my head,
But I don't even care.

There's stars up on the wall,
And they all glow in the dark,
And we can hear the children playing,
Outside in the park.

There's bars on the window,
And if there were a fire,
We'd burn up for sure,
But that's just fine by me 'cause,
We would be together ever more.

In this little room,
In the big city we're so far,
From the people that we knew in,
My big ol' blue car.

But if we stick together,
Then I know we'll be ok,
'cause when it gets too cold outside,
This room is where we'll stay....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:08 PM

12. Rosie's Lullaby

She walked by the ocean,
And waited for a star,
To carry her away.

Feelin' so small,
At the bottom of the world,
Lookin' up to God.

She tries to take deep breaths,
To smell the salty sea,
As it moves over her feet.

The water pulls so strong,
And no-one is around,
And the moon is looking down.

Rosie - come with me,
Close your eyes - and dream.

The big ships are rollin',
And lightin' up the night,
And she calls out, but they just her pass by.

The waves are crashin',
But not making a sound,
Just mouthing along.

Rosie - come with me,
Close your eyes and dream,
Close your eyes and dream,
Close your eyes and dream....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

wei02242001 發表於 2010-1-3 10:09 PM

13. Not Too Late

Tell me how you've been,
Tell what you've seen,
Tell me that you'd like to see me too.

'cause my heart is full of no blood,
My cup is full of no love,
Couldn't take another sip even if I wanted.

But it's not too late,
Not too late for love.

My lungs are out of air,
Yours are holding smoke,
And it's been like that for so long.

I've seen people try to change,
And I know it isn't easy,
But nothin' worth the time ever is.

And it's not too late,
It's not too late for love,
For love,
For love,
For love....<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>
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